November 11, 2022

1932 Ford Roadster on Iron Resurrection TV Show


Iron Resurrection Season 6 Episode 5 - 1932 Ford Roadster

I'm getting a bit out of order on my posts about the 1932 Ford Roadster build, but I wanted to put this one in between the build posts, since the show recently aired.

The Roadster was featured on the TV show Iron Resurrection. 

Keith's shop, Rex Rods, is located right next to Martin Brothers Customs in Johnson City, TX. We visited quite a bit during the build and had a great time during each visit. It was decided that the interior had to be revamped, so we were fortunate enough to have Justin at Circle J Upholstery handle this task. Justin's shop is right across from Martin Brothers as well.

The project caught the eye of the producer of the show, so they featured it in a little segment. It's Season 6 - Episode 5. It originally aired on October 26, 2022, and it will be continued to be shown at various times.

It was really fun filming the various segments. If you have not seen the show, be sure to check it out. The folks are just as nice in person as they appear on the TV show.

You should be able to find it on Motor Trend +, YouTube TV, Amazon Prime, and maybe others.

Iron Resurrection Season 6 Episode 5 - 1932 Ford Roadster

Iron Resurrection Season 6 Episode 5 - 1932 Ford Roadster

Iron Resurrection Season 6 Episode 5 - 1932 Ford Roadster

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